U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler
CHAPTER ONE War Is A Racket, by U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket...
U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler
CHAPTER TWO War Is A Racket, by U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) The World War, rather our brief participation in it, has cost the United States some $52,000,000,000. Figure it out. That means $400 to every American man, woman, and child. And we haven’t paid the debt yet. We are paying it, our...
U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler
Who pays the Bills? CHAPTER THREE War Is A Racket, by U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) Who provides the profits — these nice little profits of 20, 100, 300, 1,500 and 1,800 per cent? We all pay them — in taxation. We paid the bankers their profits when we bought Liberty Bonds at $100.00 and sold them back at $84 or $86 to the bankers. These bankers collected $100 plus. It was a […]...
U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler
CHAPTER FOUR War Is A Racket, by U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) WELL, it’s a racket, all right. A few profit — and the many pay. But there is a way to stop it. You can’t end it by disarmament conferences. You can’t eliminate it by peace parleys at Geneva. Well-meaning but impractical...
Major general Butler
To Hell With War! CHAPTER FIVE War Is A Racket, by U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) I am not a fool as to believe that war is a thing of the past. I know the people do not want war, but there is no use in saying we cannot be pushed into another...
Masonic conspiracy
Mr. Lipinski wrote a controversial book, “The Horus Lodge,” (Die Horus Loge) or rather the statements of his grandfather are very controversial in this book. These statements contain an eerie echo to Rolf Naumann’s narrative that formed the basis for the Maier files series. Mr. Lipinski’s grandfather, Herbert Lipinski, a German-Polish translator for Willy Brandt, Erich Honecker, German industrialist Berthold Beitz, and above all – and that’s the most exciting thing – the founder of Bilderberg, Prince Bernhard of the […]...
Historians, in interpreting the nineteenth century, have laid stress on many and various aspects of the period under study; and descriptions of isolated periods, single episodes, and individuals are scattered amongst hundreds and even thousands of books. On the other hand, certain special features of the period under consideration have been, for various reasons, entirely neglected. An example of such...
THERE IS A SPECIAL EXCITEMENT IN DISCOVERING HIDDEN WORLDS, whether revealed on a hazardous trek through dense jungles or discovered after scholarly research into dusty archives. The archaeologist coming unexpectedly upon ancient ruins changes forever our view of the world, or rather, shows that world to us through new eyes. So, too, the lone scholar culling through dimly lit stacks...
World War 1 tragedy
A book dedicated to the victims of an unspeakable evil: HIDDEN HISTORY The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor Their book starts like this: “A carefully falsified history was created to conceal the fact that Britain, not Germany, was responsible for the war. Had the truth become widely known after 1918, the consequences for the British Establishment would have been cataclysmic. The history of the first World War is a deliberately concocted lie. Not […]...
Wars start when one nation moves into the territory of another; depressions occur when markets take unexpected downturns; inflations occur when prices are driven up by shortages; revolutions start when the people, always spontaneously, rise up to overthrow the existing government. These are the traditional explanations of historical events. Events happen by accident. There do not seem to be any...
The Tavistock institute
Those who read THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN RELATIONS as a first introduction to the New World Order inside a One World Government will be skeptical; but consider that no less a personage than Sir Halford Mackinder did not hide his beliefs about its coming.  More than that, he gave notice that it might be a dictatorship. Mackinder had an...
Black Friar Bridge London
On 18 June 1982 the body of Roberto Calvi was found swinging on a length of orange nylon rope beneath Blackfriars Bridge, London. He had £10,000 worth of sterling, Italian lire and Swiss francs in his wallet and his trousers were stuffed with bricks and stones from a nearby building site. The British coroner recorded a case of suicide. Banco Ambrosiano Roberto Calvi certainly had reasons to kill himself. The 62-year-old Italian had chaired Banco Ambrosiano, Italy’s second largest private […]...
Maier files books