Marta Hillers’s only consolation was that she had refused to put her name on the extraordinary manuscript in which she had so meticulously recounted the Soviet conquest of Berlin during the cold spring of 1945. It had been a time when her life—like that of tens of thousands of other Berlin women and girls—had become a nightmare of fear, hunger, and rape. Published for the first time in German in...
Battle of Britain
Finding the Foe, deals with the postwar discovery and recovery of wartime Luftwaffe aircrew who were downed and lost over the UK, most of them during 1940s. There is a lot of detective work involved here. Sometimes airmen have been identified with the tiniest clue, although each case has a common thread; they were all concluded by the diligent research of private individuals and researchers, many involving the author. Indeed,...
For a very long time Christian apocalyptic beliefs knew for sure that before the Almighty finally would ignite the end times, there would be a fabulous golden age. Apocalyptic Christians called this the “Last Light”. This Last Light associated with a massively expanded realization of the free, godly spirit, and of spiritual reality everywhere. In this Last Light, God would pour out his hidden knowledge of the universe. Taken up in the fiery foam of revelation, humankind would acquire vastly increased knowledge […]...
By 1945 World War II had ended, but in Lithuania the war against the Soviet Union had only just begun. One of the bloodiest battles of the Lithuanian armed resistance, the battle of Kalniškės, was fought only days after “VE day”. Lithuanian farmers, school teachers, university professors, university and high school students, and a small number of remaining non-commissioned officers and lower ranking officers from independent Lithuania’s military, organized themselves...
The Evolution of Civilizations expresses two dimensions of its author, Carroll Quigley, that most extraordinary historian, philosopher, and teacher. In the first place, its scope is wide-ranging, covering the whole of man’s activities throughout time. Second, it is analytic, not merely descriptive. It attempts a categorization of man’s activities in sequential fashion so as to provide a causal explanation of the stages of civilization. Quigley coupled enormous capacity for work...
In the Maier files puzzle and quest everything adds up to something and there are several intertwined levels that will eventually result in solving the Otto Maier enigma. One clue and deeper meaning can maybe be found in the history of Saga because a Saga records the history of a people’s soul. Saga is one of the Norse goddesses who are numbered among the Asynjur. Snorri (Gylfaginning, ch. 35) lists her as the second goddess and states that she lives […]...
“Over Here!” The detectives were too tired to run, too cold. For two long days they had patrolled the banks near the Petrovsky Bridge. They waited and searched, saying little, occasionally jumping up and down for warmth and huddling around their braziers, watching divers searching among the river’s ice floes for the body. It had to be in the water: the bloodstains traced a grim path along the bridge, over...
Book Review: “Weapons of Mass Migration” by Kelly M. Greenhill In a world where traditional notions of conflict and coercion are evolving, Kelly M. Greenhill’s “Weapons of Mass Migration” provides a groundbreaking exploration of an unconventional yet highly effective form of coercion—engineered migration. As a seasoned reporter for Maier Files Chronicles, I find this book to be a captivating and thought-provoking examination of the intersection between geopolitics, human migration, and...
In a world brimming with complexities and hidden agendas, the term “conspiracy theory” often ignites a swift dismissal, akin to labeling someone as a ‘nazi’ or a ‘racist’. However, delving deeper, one finds that conspiracies are not merely the stuff of fiction but a reality entrenched in various facets of human society. Renowned historians like Dr. Mark Mirabello, Professor of History at Shawnee State University, have delved into the intricate realm of secret societies, shedding light on their clandestine operations […]...
V2 Rocket
T-Force … In the spring of 1945 as the Allied army advanced into Germany there was one objective paramount for the vast majority of its troops – the prompt defeat of the Germans on the battlefield and the swift restoration of peace. However, there was one unit in and around the frontlines whose aim was very different. Unlike their frontline colleagues, these men were actively discouraged from engaging with the...
German children deportation
Two very interesting books about a piece of history no one acknowledges or talks about. “Orderly and Humane” by R. M. Douglas and “Forgotten Voices” by Ulrich Merten. Immediately after the Second World War, the victorious Allies authorized and helped to carry out the forced relocation of German speakers from their homes across central and southern Europe to Germany. The numbers were almost unimaginable—between 12,000,000 and 14,000,000 civilians, most of them women...
‘The Friends n. General slang for members of an intelligence service; specifically British slang for members of the Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6.’  ‘If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friends, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country. Such a choice may scandalise the modern reader, and he may stretch out his patriotic hand to the telephone at once and ring up the police. It would not have shocked Dante, though. […]...
Maier files books