Beyond Human Rights: Defending Freedoms by Alain de Benoist is a profound critique of modern human rights, challenging the ideological underpinnings that have transformed them from a means of protecting individual freedoms into a tool for homogenization and global political dominance. De Benoist delves into the historical and philosophical roots of human rights, arguing that their current form has deviated far from their original intent and has been weaponized to serve Western hegemonic interests. One...
In the world of The Maier Files, secrets lurk beneath the surface, ancient forces await discovery, and characters embark on journeys that go beyond the physical realm. This rich tapestry of hidden knowledge and mystical quests closely aligns with themes found in the philosophies of Friedrich Schelling and Martin Heidegger, particularly in how they explore the mystical legacy and Romantic affinities that run through their thought. Both Schelling and Heidegger sought to transcend rationalism, dive...
In Prometheus and Atlas, Jason Reza Jorjani embarks on a bold philosophical journey, interweaving myth, science, and history to explore the profound impact of technological advancement and the paranormal on human existence. Published in 2016 by Arktos Media, the book offers a deep exploration of Promethean themes, drawing from ancient mythology to address the pressing challenges of our modern era. The title itself evokes powerful imagery: Prometheus, the Titan who defied Zeus to bring fire...
Carl Gustav Jung’s The Undiscovered Self offers a profound exploration into the psychological struggles of modern individuals, particularly within the context of mass-mindedness and societal structures. This short but impactful book delves into the consequences of losing personal identity in the face of collective movements and ideologies, touching on themes that resonate strongly in today’s world. As the fabric of our society becomes ever more dominated by political movements, technological advancement, and mass consumerism, Jung’s...
Accelerationism, an intriguing concept rooted in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and embraced by some Marxist theorists, is a radical idea proposing that the best way to bring about significant change is by pushing a system to its extreme limits, hoping to induce its collapse. In this article, we’ll delve into the essence of accelerationism, simplifying its complex theories with relatable examples. The Reductio ad Absurdum Principle Accelerationism draws inspiration from the reductio ad absurdum...
In the realm of myth and music, the story of Tristan und Isolde holds a profound place, delving into the mystique of love and death. This article explores the deeper, perhaps occult, significance of the Tristan und Isolde myth, using insights from Denis de Rougemont’s “L’amour et l’Occident” and Robert A. Johnson’s “Die Traumvorstellung Liebe – Der Irrtum des Abendlandes.” By examining Richard Wagner’s music drama, we unravel the layers of Tristan’s quest for his...
In the annals of history, obscured by the veil of secrecy, an enigmatic struggle persists—a clandestine war that transcends the superficial causes and known leaders. Evola, in a thought-provoking essay, delves into this concealed conflict, unraveling a three-dimensional conception of history. This article seeks to unravel the depths of Evola’ discourse, exploring the metaphysical nature of the war, scrutinizing the entities involved, and dissecting the nuanced tactics employed by the covert forces. Understanding the Subterranean...
In the annals of history, few monarchs have left as lasting an imprint on both the political and intellectual spheres as Frederick II, commonly known as Frederick the Great. Born in 1712, Frederick ascended to the throne of Prussia in 1740, embarking on a transformative reign that combined military prowess with an unparalleled commitment to philosophical discourse. The present English selection of Frederick’s writings aims to shift the focus from the overshadowed military and political...
Maier files books

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