In his book The Legalized Crime of Banking, Silas Walter Adams exposes the intricate web of deceit and corruption embedded in the Federal Reserve banking system. Drawing from historical examples and constitutional references, Adams argues that the power of money creation was usurped by private bankers, plunging the economy into an ever-deepening cycle of debt and inflation. His revelations align with Gottfried Feder’s critique of financial capitalism in early 20th-century...
The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked a historical turning point, not just for geopolitics but also for Russia’s internal economy. The 1990s became a period of unprecedented economic chaos, often referred to as the “economic plundering of Russia.” In his book Shadow Masters, Daniel Estulin unveils the hidden forces behind this tragic chapter in Russia’s history, revealing the key players who facilitated the systematic looting of the...
Throughout history, the true movers and shakers of world events have often remained shrouded in mystery, their influence concealed behind the facades of nations, ideologies, and economic systems. Among these hidden forces, few have wielded as much covert power as the Venetian oligarchy, a financial aristocracy that, though rarely acknowledged, has played a pivotal role in shaping the modern world. The story of Venice is not just about a city-state with remarkable canals and stunning architecture; it is about a […]...
The story of Soviet Russia’s emergence as a global power post-World War II is shrouded in intrigue, betrayal, and an ironic twist of fate orchestrated by some of the wealthiest figures in American finance. While the world viewed the USSR as the embodiment of anti-capitalist ideals, a closer look reveals that it was, in fact, the capitalist elites who played a crucial role in its survival and rise. The Birth...
In the annals of history, certain events have shaped the course of nations, and the true motivations behind them often lie beneath the surface. One such pivotal moment was America’s entry into World War I, a decision that had far-reaching consequences and was influenced by a complex interplay of interests. In this article, we delve into the revelations provided by Mr. Edward Griffin in his must read book regarding the...
The Bretton Woods System and the Rise of the US Dollar In 1944, the international monetary landscape shifted with the establishment of the Bretton Woods system, designating the US dollar as the global reserve currency. This decision, made in the aftermath of World War II, ushered in an unprecedented era of credit expansion. However, the consequences of this privilege are now looming, as we witness the end of an era. Money: A Brief Primer and Its Evolution Money serves as […]...
In a world that sometimes seems enamored with central planning and government control, Friedrich Hayek’s ideas on liberty and individualism continue to shine as a beacon of hope and reason. His seminal work, “The Road to Serfdom,” serves as a stark warning against the perils of planned societies and is a testament to the enduring importance of defending individual freedom. Hayek’s Rejection of Planned Societies: Friedrich Hayek, the renowned Austrian-British...
“History is bunk” is a cliché with which we are all familiar. Having studied usury and fractional reserve banking intently and knowing who was behind it all, when Henry Ford uttered those famous words in 1916, what he really meant to say is that history is untrustworthy. The second factor is that history is full of omissions, which Ezra Pound warned students of the University of Wisconsin in a paper...
Central banks and the financial tyranny. In order to understand the deepest secret of the “Global Adversary”, we must explore the sickening idea that World War I and World War II might have both been elaborate, deadly deceptions. You may find this hard to read. You may suddenly feel tired and want to do something else. This is a very normal self-protective response. Your body does not want to go into fear and trauma, because it knows it will lose […]...
THE 12TH & FINAL RELIGION is the story of Money. It has a god called Moloch that rules through interest on money, perpetual debt and stock exchanges. This story is decidedly not politically correct. The idea that the Old Testament God, Moloch of Temple Milcom, can now be recognized worldwide in the structures called central banks has to be a surprise for most people. These central banks are known locally...
The world’s most exclusive club has eighteen members. They gather every other month on a Sunday evening at 7 p.m. in conference room E in a circular tower block whose tinted windows overlook the central Basel railway station. Their discussion lasts for one hour, perhaps an hour and a half. Some of those present bring a colleague with them, but the aides rarely speak during this most confidential of conclaves....
September 2011 Hugo Chávez, resplendent in crisply pressed fatigues and paratrooper boots with red shoelaces, had a very special guest. Meeting him that mid-September day in Caracas was the world’s most powerful banker, who had lent Chávez’s government at least $40 billion over four years, or about $1,400 for every man, woman, and child in Venezuela. The guest, stooped and looking older than his 66 years, drank chrysanthemum tea, staring across the table at Chávez, bald from his chemotherapy treatments. […]...
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