On the night of April 14 to 15, 1912, the RMS Titanic, deemed the unsinkable marvel of modern engineering, met its tragic end. But what if the story we have been told for over a century is shrouded in deception? What if the sinking of the Titanic was not an accident but a meticulously orchestrated disaster? Let’s delve into an...
In the controversial and thought-provoking book “Great Reset,” authored by Dr. C. E. Nyder and his collective, we are taken on an intricate journey through the recent transformative events shaping our world. This book sets the stage for a critical examination of global shifts, particularly focusing on the intersection of German realpolitik and broader globalist agendas. The Tsunami and the...
In a world brimming with complexities and hidden agendas, the term “conspiracy theory” often ignites a swift dismissal, akin to labeling someone as a ‘nazi’ or a ‘racist’. However, delving deeper, one finds that conspiracies are not merely the stuff of fiction but a reality entrenched in various facets of human society. Renowned historians like Dr. Mark Mirabello, Professor of History at Shawnee State University, have delved into the intricate realm of secret societies, shedding light on their clandestine operations […]...
Accelerationism, an intriguing concept rooted in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and embraced by some Marxist theorists, is a radical idea proposing that the best way to bring about significant change is by pushing a system to its extreme limits, hoping to induce its collapse. In this article, we’ll delve into the essence of accelerationism, simplifying its complex theories with...
In 1997, then-U.S. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen delivered a keynote address at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy. In this speech, Cohen unveiled a chilling reality of advanced weaponry and manipulation capabilities. He stated, “There are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak...
In the shadows of history, obscured by the veils of secrecy, a clandestine network has operated for over a century, shaping the course of nations and orchestrating events on a global scale. The revelations provided by Edward Griffin’s “The Chasm – The Future is Calling” unveil the hidden hand of this intricate conspiracy that traces its roots to the ambitions of Cecil Rhodes. Through the lens of Carroll Quigley’s extensive research, we journey into the heart of this covert operation […]...
In a global phenomenon known as ‘Blackout Tuesday,’ witnessed on June 2, 2020, the world seemingly united in a stand against racism and police brutality. However, behind the corporate world’s enthusiastic participation in virtue-signaling, a more sinister motive lurked beneath the facade. Unbeknownst to millions who unwittingly participated, a deeper, occult mass-ritual unfolded, manipulating them through a symbolic act rooted...
In the midst of modern concerns over the terms “cult” and “occult,” it’s essential to clarify that the latter simply denotes “secret” or “hidden.” Beyond religious connotations, any group employing concealed teachings limited to a select few falls under the category of a “cult.” What if an entire realm of physics has been deemed virtually “occult” and restricted from public...
Jan van Helsing emerged as a groundbreaking author in post-war Germany, captivating readers with his research on secret societies and occult knowledge. His journey from a curious punk in the left-wing scene to an influential author began with a mysterious manuscript that would set the stage for a controversial literary career. In the summer of 1993, publisher Klaus-Dieter Ewert received an anonymous envelope containing a manuscript and a letter from a young author who sought no financial gain but only […]...
People, scientists and governments all lie. I don’t mean in a conspiracy way. What I’m talking about now is lying done for fame, money, payoff for favor, some mistaken philosophy, fear of reticule after pushing a mistaken philosophy, or just because they are afraid and feel obligated to present a special issue they feel will save the world no matter...
Controversial and provocative, Bushwhacked is a journey into the secret world of whistle-blowers and corporate-government conspirators. A compilation of Uri Dowbenko’s ground-breaking articles from the Alternative Media, Bushwhacked includes Investigations, Interviews and Secret Histories you won’t find anywhere else. Written in Dowbenko’s trademark style, this book of political and cultural commentary includes true stories of conspiracy, cover up and betrayal...
THE STORY WE HAVE HERE IS truly stranger than fiction. You can’t make this stuff up; I couldn’t if I tried. What is presented in this book is the truth as I see it, after carefully analyzing countless texts, articles, documents, interviews, and speeches. This combing through documents to verify their authenticity is a process that today, it seems, has fallen by the wayside. A process that has shifted from the ones who should be doing it, the news media, […]...
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