Young Global Leaders

Die Staat des Klaus Schwab

Young Global Leaders: Die Saat des Klaus Schwab
Unveiling the covert world of "Young Global Leaders," this book exposes a network that infiltrates global parliaments, boasting over fifty prime ministers and opinion leaders who underwent the discreet training program funded by Klaus Schwab, Chief of the World Economic Forum. From Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron to Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin, Annalena Baerbock, and Justin Trudeau, the list of prominent alumni reveals a powerful network dedicated to implementing a "system change on a global scale" through questionable means. Explore the absence of democratic decision-making in the face of this influential and secretive alliance.

In the heart of Europe, a specter is haunting – the specter of the Great Transformation. The forces of the New World Order have united in a sacred crusade against everything old and traditional. This article aims to delve into the German book “Young Global Leaders – Die Staat des Klaus Schwab,” which sheds light on the Young Global Leaders (YGLs), a crucial cadre of the New World Order.

Unmasking the Tyrrany:
Young Global Leaders and the Great Reset

The YGLs, nurtured by the World Economic Forum (WEF), emerge as a formidable force, strategically positioned across global society’s crucial sectors. From politics and business to education and culture, their influence is pervasive. The YGLs, driven by the ideals of the Great Reset, envision a world devoid of individuality, fostering uniform creatures devoid of history but heavily vaccinated. This article seeks to expose their societal objectives, shedding light on their fanatic pursuit of a digitally adorned aristocracy.

The YGLs as the Vanguard of the New World Order

To understand the YGLs’ role in shaping the New World Order, it is crucial to explore their historical context, funding, initiation rituals, and program content. Notably, luminaries like Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, Nicolas Sarkozy, Viktor Orbán, and Tony Blair were part of the YGLs’ precursor, the “Global Leaders for Tomorrow” (GLTs). The book unearths the YGLs’ deep infiltration strategies and their march through institutions, drawing parallels to the cultural revolution of 1968.

Vision, Mission, and Strategic Approach

Part I unravels the YGLs’ inner workings by examining their self-proclaimed “Vision & Mission.” Initially appearing naive, their worldview conceals several attacks on societal norms and civic traditions. The YGLs’ strategic approach, including their march through institutions and decentralized hierarchical structure, is a focal point, highlighting their dangerous yet unassailable nature.

Bridging Theory with Reality

Part II bridges the theoretical insights gained in Part I with the political reality of the early 2020s. The book questions whether GLTs/YGLs-led countries share similar political approaches aligned with the New World Order. An in-depth analysis of COVID-19 measures in New Zealand, Canada, and Germany showcases the correlation between political actions and the New World Order’s ideological directives.

Young Global Leaders – website

Upon exploring the Vision and Mission of the Young Global Leaders (YGLs) on their official website, a superficial reading reveals the striking banality of the listed principles of an organization that claims nothing less than the salvation of the world. The Mission Statement appears devoid of elaborate thoughts or valid arguments, resembling something drafted by a volunteer intern at a gardening club just before closing time. However, this initial impression dissipates upon closer examination, revealing a substantial announcement of dystopian conditions for those who do not belong to the new global elite.

Thinking and Actions

In the first section of the “Vision and Mission” page, insight into the thinking and actions of the YGLs is provided, comprising three headings: Inspire, Connect, and Transform. Each is accompanied by a brief paragraph.


YGLs are motivated to use their talent and influence to be a force for good, cultivating collective and individual leadership to promote competent, visionary global decision-makers/change-makers.

The central expression, “Force for good,” lacks precise definition, particularly since “good” pertains to a moral category rather than a political or legal one. The absence of a clear definition opens the door to potential misuse of power.


YGLs believe that by bringing together their diverse abilities, experiences, and social connections, they can achieve more collectively. They advocate for collaboration in the global public interest.

While emphasizing the importance of collaboration, the lack of a clear definition of “global public interest” raises concerns about potential misuse and corruption, as this vague concept can be instrumentalized for political purposes.


YGLs are described as pioneering and courageous individuals who identify and support each other in a way that maximizes the impact of their actions, aiming for larger, stronger, and faster results in their respective fields.

This approach appears to reject thoughtful and reflective problem-solving strategies, instead advocating for relentless change, irrespective of potential conflicts with scientific or sociological principles.

Principles of the YGLs

Moving on to the principles that the YGLs have self-imposed in their interactions with each other and the world outside the WEF youth organization.


YGLs pledge to listen deeply, support each other on a profound human level, and strive to improve each other’s work. This commitment to generosity raises questions about the perceived extraordinariness of such behavior within the YGL community.


YGLs commit to bringing their true selves into the community, practicing openness, humility, and recognizing what they don’t know. These platitudes, presented as principles, raise doubts about the character of those who formulate them.


The YGLs define respect as communicating respectfully even when deeply disagreeing, building trust, fulfilling commitments, striving for transparency, and holding each other accountable.

The commitment to respectful communication is contradicted by instances where YGLs Macron and Trudeau publicly disparaged and threatened individuals who opposed COVID vaccination, raising questions about the sincerity of these principles.


YGLs aim to identify and support individuals whose actions lead to greater, stronger, and faster results in their fields, emphasizing a value of change for its own sake, potentially disregarding the consequences of such changes.

This approach indicates a disregard for cautious, meaningful, and reflective problem-solving strategies, suggesting an unwavering commitment to change regardless of potential negative consequences.

Destruction as the Endgame

The concluding part of the book addresses the culmination of YGLs’ influence – the potential destruction of state, society, and individual. The term “destruction” is contextualized in an abstract sense, signifying a future process that, if correctly interpreted, presents a formidable threat to freedom. By recognizing and naming this danger, we empower ourselves to resist, echoing Hölderlin‘s words: “Where danger is, grows the saving also.”

Navigating the Brave New World

In the year 2030, Ida Auken’s vision of a property-less, privacy-deprived utopia seems closer than ever. “Young Global Leaders – Die Staat des Klaus Schwab” serves as a vital exposé, urging readers to critically examine the YGLs’ global dangers, intentions, and the extent of their influence on political and societal landscapes.

Language Note: Written in German, as of now, no English translation has been published.

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