In a global phenomenon known as ‘Blackout Tuesday,’ witnessed on June 2, 2020, the world seemingly united in a stand against racism and police brutality. However, behind the corporate world’s enthusiastic participation in virtue-signaling, a more sinister motive lurked beneath the facade. Unbeknownst to millions who unwittingly participated, a deeper, occult mass-ritual unfolded, manipulating them through a symbolic act rooted in...
In the shadows of history, obscured by the veils of secrecy, a clandestine network has operated for over a century, shaping the course of nations and orchestrating events on a global scale. The revelations provided by Edward Griffin’s “The Chasm – The Future is Calling” unveil the hidden hand of this intricate conspiracy that traces its roots to the ambitions of...
In a world brimming with complexities and hidden agendas, the term “conspiracy theory” often ignites a swift dismissal, akin to labeling someone as a ‘nazi’ or a ‘racist’. However, delving deeper, one finds that conspiracies are not merely the stuff of fiction but a reality entrenched in various facets of human society. Renowned historians like Dr. Mark Mirabello, Professor of History at Shawnee State University, have delved into the intricate realm of secret societies, shedding light on their clandestine operations […]...
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