In the Federal Republic of Germany, an ominous future looms, one that is literally “radiant.” However, this radiance has nothing to do with economic prosperity, improved quality of life, or the utopian multicultural society advocated by the so-called “elites.” Edgar Mayer and Thomas Mehner, authors of the German book “Zeitbombe Jonastal,” assert that the true meaning of this radiance points...
In their intriguing book, “Flugscheiben über Neuschwabenland” (Flying Discs over Neuschwabenland), authors Heiner Gehring and Karl-Heinz Zunneck delve into the mysterious world of flying discs, exploring the technological advancements and earthly backgrounds behind the UFO phenomenon. Over the years, the authors have engaged in discussions, exchanged information, and conducted interviews with people of diverse perspectives and scientific outliers. The book’s...
Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt, born in 1953, is a distinguished figure in Germany, having studied history, German studies, and political sciences in Munich. Transitioning from academia, he embarked on a multifaceted career as a journalist, filmmaker, and lecturer in media and communication sciences. In 2013, he launched the internet platform “,” addressing a wide array of topics. In an interview...
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