The Greek philosopher Heraclitus had said: “A hidden connection is stronger than one we can see.” Otto Maier was always fascinated with Time. Things occupy space—but how many of them there are (or could be) belonging to time? If you take off the face of a clock you won’t find time there, only human fabrication. Those numbers, circling round, make...
Nornir and Runes
We take it for granted that the past is fixed and time is linear. History always happened the way we remember it happening. But how do we know for sure that that’s the case? Otto Maier started to work on a project called “Nornir” in the 30ties and 40ties. To understand project Nornir and its goals you need to step...
When following Otto Maier’s path one will meet somewhere on his/her road, Böhme. Like the contemporary student of the inner world, alchemists were concerned about differentiating imagination from fantasy. They were aware that true imagination possesses a power and depth that fantasy does not possess. Jakob Boehme was one of those who warned against the delusions of fantasy. Struggle for...
Otto Maier Truth
Reveries on the search for Veritas … It is really crystal clear that the concept of dangerous truths has, for a very long time, been widespread, not to say a cliché. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. Curiosity killed the cat. Ignorance is bliss. What you don’t know won’t hurt you. On a much deeper level, one...
Wali Widi Widar
Otto Maier’s secret texts. Is there more than meets the eye? Wali – Wili – Widi – Widar. In Eddic mythology Odin is avenged on the Fenris wolf by Widar. Wili is named alongside We as Odin‘s or Wotan’s brother. According to the third poem in the Poetic Edda, the vafthrudnismal (Vafþrúðnismál). Widar and Wali (who avenges Baldur and Hödur)...
project Nornir
There are a lot of old rumors of work in time experimentation. Especially during the early 1990s at popular UFO-conferences. One of the hypes was the “Montauk Project“.  Which is believed to be an extension or continuation of the World War 2 Philadelphia experiment. Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon wrote a book about this topic titled The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. It...
Maier files books

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