The mysterious Celtic bard Taliésin

Keep this story in mind too, as the Maier Files huge storyline will continue. Surprising links exist with historical battles and quests. As said before, there’s always more than meets the eye.

The tale of Taliésin is written down in the french book “Bélisama ou l’Occultisme celtique” by Ernest Bosc (1895). Belisama or Belisana is a supreme Celtic Goddess, and the virgin mother, more on that in another post.

The legend of the famous celtic bard Taliésin and how he was born.
One day, as Gwion the dwarf was guarding the consecrated cup that contained the precious “Water of Regeneration,” three drops fell on his hand, crackling and burning like fire. When he brought them to his mouth, the veil that covered the riddles and the fate of the world was lifted. The guardian goddess of the water then attempted to kill him. But thanks to the magical qualities of this mysterious water, the dwarf could change himself into a hare, a fish, and finally a bird. To chase him, the goddess transformed herself in a hunting dog, a beaver, and a sparrow. At long last Gwion changed himself into a bit of wheat and hid himself in a colossal heap of grain. At that point the goddess changed herself into a black hen, found him with her penetrating eyes, and gulped him. Once inside her body, he impregnated her, and in nine months she brought forth the troubadour, poet singer, Taliesin.

“Coincidentally” the Phoenician Hercules was depicted as a dwarf, and was also called Gwion, Ogmi, or Albion, all considered gods. Keep in mind that Heracles was also one of the Argonauts in search of the golden fleece. It would appear that the mysterious bards and troubadours played a very important role as guards of the “sacred cup.”

About Belisama:
Mes ouvrages ne sont pas faits pour une seule lecture ; il faut les relire et les méditer.” – Ballanche

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