On the night of April 14 to 15, 1912, the RMS Titanic, deemed the unsinkable marvel of modern engineering, met its tragic end. But what if the story we have been told for over a century is shrouded in deception? What if the sinking of the Titanic was not an accident but a meticulously orchestrated disaster? Let’s delve into an adventure of revelations, exposing a tale of conspiracy and subterfuge...
Marta Hillers’s only consolation was that she had refused to put her name on the extraordinary manuscript in which she had so meticulously recounted the Soviet conquest of Berlin during the cold spring of 1945. It had been a time when her life—like that of tens of thousands of other Berlin women and girls—had become a nightmare of fear, hunger, and rape. Published for the first time in German in...
East India Company
In 1899 Alexander Del Mar stated in his book “Barbara Villiers or A history of Monetary Crimes”, this: FROM the remotest time to the seventeenth century of our era, the right to coin money and to regulate its value (by giving it denominations, a belief of worth) and by limiting or increasing the quantity of it in circulation, was the exclusive privilege of the State. In 1604, in the celebrated case of the Mixed Moneys,’ this privilege was affirmed under […]...
Ludwig Beck
Von Clausewitz  stated in his book “Vom Kriege” that war is only a continuation of state policy by other means. “Der Krieg ist … ein Akt der Gewalt, um den Gegner zur Erfüllung unseres Willens zu zwingen” War … is an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will … Violence, that is to say (for there is no moral force without the conception of states...
Bank run
Since it is quite impossible to understand the history of the twentieth century without some understanding of the role played by money in domestic affairs and in foreign affairs, as well as the role played by bankers in economic life and in political life, we must take a glance at each of these four subjects. – A quote from professor Carroll Quigley, (Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In...
By 1945 World War II had ended, but in Lithuania the war against the Soviet Union had only just begun. One of the bloodiest battles of the Lithuanian armed resistance, the battle of Kalniškės, was fought only days after “VE day”. Lithuanian farmers, school teachers, university professors, university and high school students, and a small number of remaining non-commissioned officers and lower ranking officers from independent Lithuania’s military, organized themselves into a partisan movement that at its peak was roughly […]...
German children deportation
Two very interesting books about a piece of history no one acknowledges or talks about. “Orderly and Humane” by R. M. Douglas and “Forgotten Voices” by Ulrich Merten. Immediately after the Second World War, the victorious Allies authorized and helped to carry out the forced relocation of German speakers from their homes across central and southern Europe to Germany. The numbers were almost unimaginable—between 12,000,000 and 14,000,000 civilians, most of them women...
conspiracy eye
FDR once said “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” He was in a good position to know. We believe that many of the major world events that are shaping our destinies occur because somebody or somebodies have planned them that way. If we were merely dealing with the law of avenges, half of the events affecting our nation’s well-being...
Man Rune
Man rune or Algiz  and its traditional link with the Grail mysteries. In its origine a rune is a puzzle and a mystery above all else. Only in a later epoch Runes became also letters or writing symbols. In antiquated times only a certain codified group rune staves became writing signs or an alphabet. In the later obscure German custom of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, supernatural hypotheses about how and when the runes started and what their uses were in ancient […]...
Dr. Joseph Hieronim Retinger is perhaps one of the most mysterious figures of the twentieth century. It is he who is credited with being the father of Bilderberg. He is also credited with being the motivating force behind the European League for Economic Cooperation, the European Movement, and the Council of Europe. A compulsive intriguer and behind-the-scenes political wheeler-dealer, Retinger became known in his circles as a “grey eminence”. At...
The dualistic religious system of Mani is a combination of Gnostic Christianity, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and various other elements, with a basic doctrine of a conflict between light and dark, matter being regarded as dark, evil and imperfect. The physical world, nature and life are considered as the realm of the dark creator or the true devil and should be resisted. “Manichean” has come to describe a tendency to see things...
The Zillertal lead boxes. One of the many mysteries and anomalies in history of World War Two. This strange account took place on May 2 of 1945. On that day an unknown Company dressed in SS uniforms delivered a convoy to Zillertal Mountain Pass. There a select group of officers took possession of a number of heavy lead-lined boxes. In a torchlit ceremony the officers transported the boxes to Schleigeiss Glacier at the foot of the 2800 meter high Hochfeiler […]...
Maier files books

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