A former MI6 officer, one of the few to have risen to become ‘C’ or Chief of the Service, takes pleasure in recounting a story. Framed by a collection of John le Carré’s novels on the bookshelves behind him, he tells it with a boyish smile and a playful twinkle in the eye which suggests a mischievousness not entirely lost to age. The story concerns a young officer...
foo fighter
A continuation of this article: https://www.maier-files.com/the-ww-ii-german-flying-saucers/ Article by William Lyne The purported Schauberger ships (the only information we really have are photos of models built by Felix Schauberger), purportedly built in Czechoslovakia, were supposedly designed to use an “implosion turbine” to generate the power to drive an ‘air-blower’ intended to propel the ship. As such, it was little more than a (flying?) air conditioning vent, with an unusual...
Herbert Osborn Yardley (April 13, 1889 – August 7, 1958) was an American cryptologist. He founded and led the cryptographic organization the Black Chamber. Under Yardley, the cryptanalysts of The American Black Chamber broke Japanese diplomatic codes and were able to furnish American negotiators with significant information during the Washington Naval Conference of 1921-1922. Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal. He wrote The American Black Chamber (1931) about...
Could it be that the London club mentioned in the Maier Files episode 2, is inspired by the Hell-fire Club? The Hell-Fire club in London is the most notorious “Satanist” organization in eighteenth-century Britain, the Hell-Fire Club was originally founded in London in 1719 by Philip, Duke of Wharton, a liberal politician and atheist who set out to ridicule the religious orthodoxies of his time by holding mock-Satanist...
Otto Maier vanished during WW2 but he was not the only scientist who disappeared. Dr. Hans Ehrhardt, former name Hans Engelke, went up in smoke in 1963 as published in Der Spiegel on july 24 1963. The article states: a German conman, at best an “amateur scientist”, had unsuccessfully attempted to fleece the Swiss military by pitching a death ray of his very own design. Via the Swiss...
Berlin Wall
Major Klimov’s book is an unusually valuable contribution to the very difficult problem of understanding what is going on inside Soviet Russia. He gives a frequently dramatic description of his own process of development, and of his very rich experience and observation, which should be studied by all who have the future of the West at heart. Russia’s internal development during the war, the concessions made by the...
The Zillertal lead boxes. One of the many mysteries and anomalies in history of World War Two. This strange account took place on May 2 of 1945. On that day an unknown Company dressed in SS uniforms delivered a convoy to Zillertal Mountain Pass. There a select group of officers took possession of a number of heavy lead-lined boxes. In a torchlit ceremony the officers transported the boxes...
U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler
CHAPTER FOUR War Is A Racket, by U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) WELL, it’s a racket, all right. A few profit — and the many pay. But there is a way to stop it. You can’t end it by disarmament conferences. You can’t eliminate it by peace parleys at Geneva. Well-meaning but impractical groups can’t wipe it out by resolutions. It...
At 3 o’clock Sunday morning, November 4, 1956, I returned to the hotel in Vienna where I had been staying for three days. I paused to leave a call and exchange a few idle words with the hall porter. Nostalgic early morning music from the radio behind the telephone switchboard echoed through the empty lobby. I went to my room, and within a few minutes after getting into...
Ludwig Beck
Von Clausewitz  stated in his book “Vom Kriege” that war is only a continuation of state policy by other means. “Der Krieg ist … ein Akt der Gewalt, um den Gegner zur Erfüllung unseres Willens zu zwingen” War … is an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will … Violence, that is to say (for there is no moral force without the conception...
UFO Liedekerke 1945 Flanders
This is a relating topic with the history of Otto Maier and the myth about his mysterious engine. In July 1947 a saucer shaped object dropped out of the sky in Roswell, New Mexico. Choosing the explanation that extraterrestrials manned a spacecraft and crashed it in Roswell is the least probable explanation of all. Farrell shows this realistically in his book Roswell and the Reich. Maybe authorities want us to believe the...
conspiracy eye
FDR once said “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” He was in a good position to know. We believe that many of the major world events that are shaping our destinies occur because somebody or somebodies have planned them that way. If we were merely dealing with the law of avenges, half of the events affecting our...
Maier files books

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