In the Federal Republic of Germany, an ominous future looms, one that is literally “radiant.” However, this radiance has nothing to do with economic prosperity, improved quality of life, or the utopian multicultural society advocated by the so-called “elites.” Edgar Mayer and Thomas Mehner, authors of the German book “Zeitbombe Jonastal,” assert that the true meaning of this radiance points towards an impending nuclear catastrophe that could radically...
In 1918: The Gateway to Hell – The Hidden Truth About the Downfall of the German Empire, Dr. Thomas Jung and Friedrich Georg uncover a narrative often omitted from mainstream accounts. The book dives deeply into the intricate forces at play that led to the German Empire’s collapse, including strategic missteps, underhanded deals, and the pervasive impact of foreign interventions. What makes this book particularly compelling is its...
inflated tank
The British enjoy deceiving their enemies. When the Prussian strategist Carl von Clausewitz defined war in 1833 as ‘those acts of force to compel our enemy to do our will’, he missed out the dimension that the British political philosopher Thomas Hobbes had spotted nearly two centuries earlier: ‘Force and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues.’ ‘The British like to pretend,’ observes a former US Ambassador,...
portrait Ernst Jünger
Memories bear traits of an inverse causality. The world, as an effect, resembles a tree with a thousand branches, but as memory it leads downwards into the tangled network of the roots. When I confront memories, it often seems like gathering a bundle of seaweed from the ocean—the tiny bit visible from afar, when slowly dragged up into the light, reveals an extensive system of filaments. —Ernst Jünger,...
At 3 o’clock Sunday morning, November 4, 1956, I returned to the hotel in Vienna where I had been staying for three days. I paused to leave a call and exchange a few idle words with the hall porter. Nostalgic early morning music from the radio behind the telephone switchboard echoed through the empty lobby. I went to my room, and within a few minutes after getting into...
Aleister Crowley is, few would argue, the father of modern occultism, neopaganism, and New Age spirituality. Today’s Thelemites (avowed followers of Crowley and his spiritual doctrine of Thelema) far outnumber the small cadre he recruited in his lifetime. His motto “Do What Thou Wilt” has had a subtle and profound influence on modern culture. While some still fear and loathe him, Aleister Crowley inspires fascination, even admiration, in...
The amber room or “Bernsteinzimmer” in German is a lost treasure and work of art that is almost unknown in the English-speaking world, but as a mystery, could be compared to the disappearance of Amelia Erhart for Americans. The Bernsteinzimmer is just that, a room made of amber. Amber is a semi-precious stone formed from fossilized tree sap in an earlier geologic time frame. It washes up naturally...
Lies and media
In “The Art of War,” Sun Tzu said “All wars are based on deception.” What worked in ancient times more than ever applies now too. Mythological goddess quarrels started the Trojan War.  It all started when Eris, the goddess of discord, realized that she had not been invited to the marriage of the King Peleus with the sea Nymph Thetis, a marriage that took place on the Mountain...
Crowley in China
Part 1 – Aleister Crowley, agent 666 and Lord Tregedar One of those practitioners of the magical and occult arts was Aleister Crowley. Crowley is perhaps the best known ‘occult spy’ operating in the Second World War. And in fact he was already a spy long before the war. It is not surprising that through history occultism and espionage always have been linked. Undercover operations always need a...
Cecil Williamson
Part 4 – The Occult Adepts of British Intelligence, Cecil Williamson Another occultist who was supposed to have been involved in or connected to the Hess affair was Cecil Hugh Williamson. He is the founder of the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic at Castletown on the Isle of Man. Now it’s located in Boscastle in North Cornwall. Major Edward Maltby, a family friend, recruited Williamson into MI6 in 1938....
Clausewitz: ‘War is merely the continuation of policy by other means’. Attempts to reduce complex social phenomena to simple formulae have seldom been successful in human history. However apt they may be, they can never do more than express one aspect of reality. ‘L’état, c’est moi’, the famous sentence attributed to Louis XIV, the ‘Sun King’, expressed one aspect of absolutist reality in the eighteenth century. Clausewitz’s formula,...
Deception in War. Surprise is a Principle of War…It should primarily be directed at the mind of an enemy commander rather than at his force. The aim should be to paralyse the commander’s will.’ Surprise is the great ‘force multiplier’ – it makes one stronger than is physically the case. Surprise can be achieved by a variety of methods: by forgoing preparations that an enemy might expect one...
Maier files books