The IMF and the World Bank, were created at a meeting of global financiers and politicians held at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1944. Their announced goals were to facilitate international trade and to stabilize the exchange rates of national currencies. The unannounced goals were quite different. They were the elimination of the gold-exchange standard as the basis of currency valuation and the establishment of world socialism. The method by...
Backstories on Maier files. The the Bank for International Settlement (BIS bank) was established on 17 May 1930, The following information can be found on the BIS bank’s website and can be consulted openly. It’s a good reading for everyone who wants to get to know more about the story of Rolf Dietrich, the true conspiracies and plot twists. Bank of International Settlements Legal Info – Brussels Protocol
Alexander Del Mar disclosed the “monetary secret of the ages“. For thousands of years this mechanism was a great source of power to whoever held it. Elements of the Roman establishment drew great strength from their control over it, until its effects helped bring down the Roman empire from within. Venice’s profits from it helped spark the Renaissance. It was quitely used for centuries by Jewish merchants getting transplanted from Asia into Europe. Control over it helped shift the balance […]...
Throughout history, the true movers and shakers of world events have often remained shrouded in mystery, their influence concealed behind the facades of nations, ideologies, and economic systems. Among these hidden forces, few have wielded as much covert power as the Venetian oligarchy, a financial aristocracy that, though rarely acknowledged, has played a pivotal role in shaping the modern world. The story of Venice is not just about a city-state...
In 1913, Minnesota Congressman Charles August Lindbergh Sr., father of the famed aviator, wrote Banking, Currency, and the Money Trust, in which he accurately described the political agenda of the Wall Street international bankers who were shaping the creation of a new central bank and with it, control over the nation’s economy. Lindbergh As a Republican member of the US Congress Lindbergh wrote exposing the secret machinations of powerful Wall...
For those who are reading the Maier Files and guessing that the story of Otto Maier, Oskar Gross and their struggle with the occulted Criminal Banking Cartel is just a fancy tale, think again. The goal is indeed control. They want all of us enslaved to debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the huge financial contributions that they funnel into their campaigns. Mrs. Karen Hudes is telling […]...
David Astle is a researcher who has assembled a massive database and well-argued case for the existence, in ancient times, of an international bullion brokers’ trust. It allied behind the scenes for its own benefit and agenda, with manipulating governments, religions, pantheons and policies. Mr Astle commenced a sea career at sixteen years of age. During the following years he travelled most of the world’s great trade routes, and visited...
The world’s most exclusive club has eighteen members. They gather every other month on a Sunday evening at 7 p.m. in conference room E in a circular tower block whose tinted windows overlook the central Basel railway station. Their discussion lasts for one hour, perhaps an hour and a half. Some of those present bring a colleague with them, but the aides rarely speak during this most confidential of conclaves....
In a world that sometimes seems enamored with central planning and government control, Friedrich Hayek’s ideas on liberty and individualism continue to shine as a beacon of hope and reason. His seminal work, “The Road to Serfdom,” serves as a stark warning against the perils of planned societies and is a testament to the enduring importance of defending individual freedom. Hayek’s Rejection of Planned Societies: Friedrich Hayek, the renowned Austrian-British economist and philosopher, staunchly rejected the notion of planned societies, […]...
“History is bunk” is a cliché with which we are all familiar. Having studied usury and fractional reserve banking intently and knowing who was behind it all, when Henry Ford uttered those famous words in 1916, what he really meant to say is that history is untrustworthy. The second factor is that history is full of omissions, which Ezra Pound warned students of the University of Wisconsin in a paper...
Since it is quite impossible to understand the history of the twentieth century without some understanding of the role played by money in domestic affairs and in foreign affairs, as well as the role played by bankers in economic life and in political life, we must take a glance at each of these four subjects. – A quote from professor Carroll Quigley, (Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In...
On 18 June 1982 the body of Roberto Calvi was found swinging on a length of orange nylon rope beneath Blackfriars Bridge, London. He had £10,000 worth of sterling, Italian lire and Swiss francs in his wallet and his trousers were stuffed with bricks and stones from a nearby building site. The British coroner recorded a case of suicide. Banco Ambrosiano Roberto Calvi certainly had reasons to kill himself. The 62-year-old Italian had chaired Banco Ambrosiano, Italy’s second largest private […]...