Bearer bonds scheme
TIDBITS – backstory  Maier Files  – Within the insider circles of the international community, much of the atrocities and problems of WW1 were blamed on the gold standard — for the reasons outlined in Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations from 1776. It was sufficient to convince Emperor Hirohito of Japan to travel to the United Kingdom and sign a secret pact, in 1921, to create the Bank of International...
Gold Bullion
The greatest secret of the 20th century was how the gold and treasure of the world was systematically plundered and hidden away… only to be used as collateral for vast, secret bank accounts. If your plan calls for the complete destruction of the global economy, you need a global currency that is backed by nothing but “faith and credit.” The article of December 1, 1934, reveals a total excess of...
Bis Bank
Backstories on Maier files. The the Bank for International Settlement (BIS bank) was established on 17 May 1930, The following information can be found on the BIS bank’s website and can be consulted openly. It’s a good reading for everyone who wants to get to know more about the story of Rolf Dietrich, the true conspiracies and plot twists. Bank of International Settlements Legal Info – Brussels Protocol Article 1 The Bank for International Settlements, its property and […]...
Why does it appear on the surface that parties seem to be against each other when all along they are connected? – Think about it! (R. Dietrich) Without the existence of the secret societies, our history would have been totally different. The history of mankind is like a vast jigsaw puzzle. One must first lay down all pieces down in the correct order before the real bigger picture reveals itself....
Phoenix currency
Consider the title page of The Economist in 1988, (9 jan. 1988) presented above, which insinuated another world money and noticeably included “2018” on the spread. Most realize that the financial world often arrange things decades ahead of time. The euro currency is such a case. “THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for...
Bank run
Since it is quite impossible to understand the history of the twentieth century without some understanding of the role played by money in domestic affairs and in foreign affairs, as well as the role played by bankers in economic life and in political life, we must take a glance at each of these four subjects. – A quote from professor Carroll Quigley, (Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our Time, p. 54.) Carroll Quigley wrote a book entitled, […]...
Alexander Del Mar disclosed the “monetary secret of the ages“. For thousands of years this mechanism was a great source of power to whoever held it. Elements of the Roman establishment drew great strength from their control over it, until its effects helped bring down the Roman empire from within. Venice’s profits from it helped spark the Renaissance. It was quitely used for centuries by Jewish merchants getting transplanted from...
Expulsion of the merchants Caravaggio
“Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day, but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate systematical plan of reducing us to slavery.” — Thomas Jefferson    American Founding Father who was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and later served as the third President of the United...
East India Company
In 1899 Alexander Del Mar stated in his book “Barbara Villiers or A history of Monetary Crimes”, this: FROM the remotest time to the seventeenth century of our era, the right to coin money and to regulate its value (by giving it denominations, a belief of worth) and by limiting or increasing the quantity of it in circulation, was the exclusive privilege of the State. In 1604, in the celebrated case of the Mixed Moneys,’ this privilege was affirmed under […]...
The Worldbank
For those who are reading the Maier Files and guessing that the story of Otto Maier, Oskar Gross and their struggle with the occulted Criminal Banking Cartel is just a fancy tale, think again. The goal is indeed control.  They want all of us enslaved to debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the huge financial contributions that...
Serfdom by debt
What is wrong with a little debt, cautiously applied and wisely managed? The response is absolutely nothing, as long as the debt is based on an honest exchange. There is plenty wrong to it as soon as it is based upon fraud. What is the difference? A sincere exchange is one wherein a borrower pays off an approved amount in exchange for temporary use of a lender’s possession. That asset...
In the list of Conspiracies the case of Lawrence Patton “Larry” McDonald fits perfectly. Is it a conspiracy theory as many tried to ridicule his claims or is it indeed, a fact? In any case the coincidences are weird! Lawrence Patton “Larry” McDonald (April 1, 1935 – September 1, 1983) was an American politician and a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Georgia’s 7th congressional district as a Democrat from 1975 until he was killed while a […]...
Maier files books

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