Few people truly understand the complexities involved with central banking. Most people throughout modern history have made the terrible mistake of not understanding the relevance of their nation’s central banking scheme and a centrally planned economy to their own wealth preservation. Best example is the American FED. But America is not unique in this economic plunder, as private international banking interests have long sought to collude with governments in an...
The United Nations
The history of how the United Nations was created is a classic case of diplomacy by deception. The United Nations is the successor to the defunct League of Nations, the first attempt to set up a One World Government in the wake of the Paris Peace Conference which gave birth to the Treaty of Versailles. The Threat of the United Nations. The peace conference opened at Versailles, France on January...
Why does it appear on the surface that parties seem to be against each other when all along they are connected? – Think about it! (R. Dietrich) Without the existence of the secret societies, our history would have been totally different. The history of mankind is like a vast jigsaw puzzle. One must first lay down all pieces down in the correct order before the real bigger picture reveals itself. Believe us, the result is quite startling … The dark […]...
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