Templar cross and Cathar Cross
The French historian Raimonde Reznikov’s book ‘Cathares et Templiers’ can be something of a scholar’s antidote to the wilder extremes of conspiracy mongering. As reported by Reznikov, besides the evident link that Templars and Cathars were suppressed by shared conspiracy between state and church, the solely genuine sympathetic link originated from the imaginations of eighteenth-century Freemasons....
Baphomet Giger
Idols In looking at the question of the Gral, supposed Catharist practices, and other demonic charges leveled at the Templars, we must keep in mind that these were in the main attached to the Templars by outsiders. When we come to the question of whether the Templars ever worshipped an idol called Baphomet, the issue is...
Foreword to the book Mysteries of Templar Treasure & the Holy Grail: The Secrets of Rennes Le Chateau by TIM WALLACE-MURPHY. The mystery of the Abbe Berenger Saunière, the free-spending parish priest of the small hilltop village of Rennes-le-Château has, over the last thirty years, taken on a vibrant life of its own, enlivened with tales of hidden treasure, accusations of heresy, and allegations of fraud, murder, and general mayhem in a manner that almost defies belief. This tiny and otherwise […]...
Templar cross
The 3 most eye-catching secret societies are the muslim Assassins, the Templars and the Secret Tribunals of Westphalia. Thomas Keightley (1789-1872) was an extraordinarily prolific Irish-born, known for his works on mythology and folklore scholar. He could read twenty different languages. Keightly attended Trinity College in Dublin, but because of ill health, he did not join...
Knights of malta
The secret about the Templars would not be if it had not been made to be by circles and powers who had and have an understandable interest – from their point of view – to keep the truth in obscurity.  Originally known as the Knights Hospitaller, the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem...
Deeper levels and meanings in tales not only transcend time, they also cross continents and cultures. These links and hidden meanings one can find best in original local tradition and folklore. One such link is the original French myth of Melusine, whose name is associated with honey. Her story recalls the Indian tradition whereby the royal lineage claimed to come from serpent deities. A theme that reoccurs in more than one folktale in the world. Count of Anjou The story […]...
The Order of the Knights Templar was dissolved by Pope Clement V at the beginning of the fourteenth century. From its humble beginnings, this society of warrior-monks grew into an extraordinary military and financial power. Eventually, a king wanted to get rid of this order, which had become a state within a state. He selected the...
Templar knight medieval illustration
Like that staple opening of so many films, it began with a funeral. On 12 October 1307, James of Molay, Master of the Temple, was one of a number of distinguished personages who held the cords of the pall spread over the coffin of Catherine of Courtenay, wife of Charles of Valois, brother of King Philip...
U-boat mission to Scotland
The Maier Files Series contain many levels, secrets and mysterious riddles … Let’s dig into a backstory about the Isle of Arran. In past times Arran was called Emain Ablach, which translates literally as “the place of apples”! Arran also means “the sleeping lord”. Some of you will recognize references to the enchanted Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) and the Arthurian legends … Interestingly, the ownership of Arran resided with the ducal Hamilton family for more than 500 years.  […]...
Red cross
In the midst of the thirteenth century, outlaw gangs and mercenaries roamed the lawless region between the Rhine and the Weser rivers in Westphalia, Germany. The free men and commoners created the Chivalrous Order of the Holy V(F)ehm. It was a secret vigilante society to guard themselves from those bandits and outlaws. At first, the resistance...
Maier files books

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