die Glocke
In this post we’ll take a look at the mysterious project ‘die Glocke’. Glocke translates into English as ‘Bell’. When trying to unravel Otto Maier’s bizarre history and when analyzing the amazing tales Mr Naumann once told us about the secret mountain base in the Harz region, one stumbles willy-nilly on ‘die Glocke’ project. In light of the puzzling Otto...
Leuna Werke
Synthetic Gasoline – Although we still do not know how nature produces oil, yet we possess already for a long time the knowledge to produce it artificially. Friedrich Bergius a German chemist received the Nobel Prize in 1931 in recognition for inventing the process for producing synthetic gasoline in 1913. Since 1927, I.G. Farben A.G. continued to improve this development process in their laboratories at the...
Operation Patent theft (Unternehmen Patentenraub). Plenty of present-day authors have demonstrated that the German science and technology in the 1920’s, 1930’s and 1940’s extended far beyond the flash and bang of atomic weapons, flying discs, rail guns and any other unfathomable, fascinating technological innovations. It extended into the everyday life of the post-war world. The Allies took thousands and thousands of patents from...
Otto Maier Saucer
We already looked at the conventional disc shaped aircraft, made in Germany. But it seems when digging into Otto Maier’s story and his engine that the properties of his saucer don’t match those of the conventional saucer types. So, what about field propulsion and electromagnetic propulsion (EMP) driven technologies?  EMP is the principle of accelerating an object by the utilization of a flowing...
Foo fighters above Germany
For those who didn’t read part one,  Foo fighters is a name given to small, round flying objects which followed Allied bombers over Germany during the latter phases of the air war. There are also some reports of foo fighters in the pacific theater of the war. Sometimes they would appear singularly but more often in groups, sometimes flying in...
Schriever device design
A closer look at the conventional German flying saucer project in Prag. And the Schriever-Habermohl project as mentioned in the German news magazine Die Deutsche illustrierte. You can read the article here: https://www.maier-files.com/flying-saucer-invented-in-germany/ Rudolf Schriever and his flying saucer project. Schriever was an engineer and test pilot. We couldn’t find much about Otto Habermohl but he was certainly an engineer. Another player...
foo fighter
Is it a bird? A plane? No, it’s a Foo Fighter. In late 1944 Reuters press agency reported that peculiar spheres, similar to the glass balls that decorate Xmas trees have been observed hanging in the air over Germany, occasionally singly, often times in clusters. They are primarily shaded silver and are seemingly translucent. Multiple sightings of these kinds of...
UFO Liedekerke 1945 Flanders
This is a relating topic with the history of Otto Maier and the myth about his mysterious engine. In July 1947 a saucer shaped object dropped out of the sky in Roswell, New Mexico. Choosing the explanation that extraterrestrials manned a spacecraft and crashed it in Roswell is the least probable explanation of all. Farrell shows this realistically in his book Roswell and the...
Neuschwabenland Antartica
What is going on there? Ufologists are always describing UFO’s as originating in Antarctica. Some believe Atlantis might be hidden deep under the ice of Antarctica. Nowadays numerous nations maintain research bases in Antarctica. Like many other countries, Germany sent expeditions to the Antarctic region in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The third German Antarctic Expedition (1938–1939) was...
project Nornir
There are a lot of old rumors of work in time experimentation. Especially during the early 1990s at popular UFO-conferences. One of the hypes was the “Montauk Project“.  Which is believed to be an extension or continuation of the World War 2 Philadelphia experiment. Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon wrote a book about this topic titled The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. It...
Himmler death
  There is the strange case of Heinrich Himmler and his unlikely death. In April 1945, as the end of the Third Reich loomed, Hitler’s number one found a sudden and urgent desire to make peace with the ‘Allies’. When he was rebuffed, and his treason made public, Hitler ordered his arrest. Luckily for Himmler, Hitler promptly committed suicide in...
surfacing U-boat Scotland WW2
  U-boat missions in Scotland. The Maier files story mentions a special U-boat mission into Scotland (Maier files Unternehmen Kelch). Could there be any trace found about such secret mission, and were there any German submarines spotted around early December or late November 1939 at Carradale Bay, Firth of Clyde or the isle of Arran? The Firth of Clyde forms a large area...
Maier files books

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