The Archives

Oswald Sprengler
The Decline of the West (German: Der Untergang des Abendlandes), or The Downfall of the Occident, is a two-volume work by Oswald Spengler, the first volume of which was published in the summer of 1918. Spengler revised this volume in 1922 and published the second volume, subtitled Perspectives...
House of Morgan
“The House of Morgan” is about the rise, fall, and resurrection of an American banking empire—the House of Morgan. Perhaps no other institution has been so encrusted with legend, so ripe with mystery, or exposed to such bitter polemics. Until 1989, J. P. Morgan and Company solemnly presided...
The amber room or “Bernsteinzimmer” in German is a lost treasure and work of art that is almost unknown in the English-speaking world, but as a mystery, could be compared to the disappearance of Amelia Erhart for Americans. The Bernsteinzimmer is just that, a room made of amber....
Maier files witches
Bible quote from Book Exodus 22:18  “Don’t allow a female sorcerer to live.” Most legends and history intertwine and are inclusive of many items woven into a subject. As already said in previous post yesterday –  -, Walpurgis has many legends and stories very few which are...
Walpurgisnacht engraving
In the last days of paganism in Germany, the druids’ sacrifices were subject to punishment by death at the hands of the literalist Christians. Nevertheless, at the beginning of springtime the “druids” and the populace sought to regain the peaks of the mountains so that they could make...
Hexen kommando
It’s almost Walpurgisnacht, no better moment to have a closer look at our witches or Hexen. Where did this cruel hatred against women and the ancient pre-christian sanctuaries start? When Pope Innocent VIII (1484–92) professed his belief in witchcraft, he condemned it, and dispatched inquisitors to Germany to...
The change of the Roman ethnic make-up contributed to the empire’s ruin. Tenney Frank earned his A.B. at the University of Kansas in 1898 and A.M. the following year. Frank went on to receive his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago in 1903. Frank taught at Bryn Mawr...
Deeper levels and meanings in tales not only transcend time, they also cross continents and cultures. These links and hidden meanings one can find best in original local tradition and folklore. One such link is the original French myth of Melusine, whose name is associated with honey. Her...
Otto Maier vanished during WW2 but he was not the only scientist who disappeared. Dr. Hans Ehrhardt, former name Hans Engelke, went up in smoke in 1963 as published in Der Spiegel on july 24 1963. The article states: a German conman, at best an “amateur scientist”, had...
Konigsberg Castle
Did you know that witches consider amber as the best gemstone for locking thoughts and memories in place and keeping them safe? Known for its soothing properties Amber was used medicinally for thousands of years for headaches, heartaches, and pains of all kinds. (another hint in the Maier-files...
Attitudes towards death and killing in the Modern western society are compelling, and during the last decades have changed significantly. The fantasy of death displayed in films, TV as well as “Video games” is currently labeled “humorous” or even “funny,” particularly by adolescents. The bloody, sadistic carnage, without which...
Joan Miller died in June 1984.  Despite efforts by MI5 Miller’s daughter managed to get her mother’s autobiography, One Girl’s War: Personal Exploits in MI5’s Most Secret Station, published in Ireland in 1986. Joan Miller was born in 1918. After leaving boarding school at 16 she found work...
Maier files books

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