Bilderberg hotel
In 1954, the most powerful men in the world met for the first time under the auspices of the Dutch royal crown and the Rockefeller family at the luxurious Hotel Bilderberg in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek. For an entire weekend, they debated the future of the world. When it was over, they decided to meet once every year...
Major general Butler
To Hell With War! CHAPTER FIVE War Is A Racket, by U.S. Major General, Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) I am not a fool as to believe that war is a thing of the past. I know the people do not want war, but there is no use in saying we cannot be pushed into another...
conspiracy eye
FDR once said “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” He was in a good position to know. We believe that many of the major world events that are shaping our destinies occur because somebody or somebodies have planned them that way. If we were merely dealing with the law of avenges, half of the events affecting our nation’s well-being should be good for America. If we were dealing with […]...
Bolshevik logo
From the early 1920s, countless pamphlets and writings, indeed just a handful of books, have looked for a link between “international bankers” and “Bolshevik revolutionaries.” Not often have these endeavors been covered by hard evidence, and never have this kind of efforts been argued within the framework of a scientific methodology. In truth, a few of the “evidence” utilized in...
This is an update of Last year’s 2017 article – See Addendum below. HAARP is the trip-off-the-tongue abbreviation for the mouthful that is America’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program housed near Gakona, Alaska. Here, on a 33-acre site, scientists transmit a 3.6million megawatt signal into the ionosphere. Then other colleagues in white lab coats can understand and control ionospheric processors...
People, scientists and governments all lie. I don’t mean in a conspiracy way. What I’m talking about now is lying done for fame, money, payoff for favor, some mistaken philosophy, fear of reticule after pushing a mistaken philosophy, or just because they are afraid and feel obligated to present a special issue they feel will save the world no matter what the cost. The manufactured global warming misdirection is a little of all of them. I know you are hearing […]...
EU flag
TIDBITS – some events can make one frown … There’s  an interesting article about the orchestration of the EU project, published in the Telegraph (2000). It reveals that the Euro-federalists are financed by US spy chiefs. Like one of the main characters of Maier files once said, there’s always more than meets the eye, you can’t trust anyone … Declassified...
On 13 January 1955 Morris K. Jessup, writer of The Case for the UFO (1955), obtained a letter from a gentleman identifying himself as Carlos Allende. This informed Jessup of a top-secret naval project from the Second World War: the Philadelphia Experiment. So, Allende reported that the US Navy had tried to make warships undetectable. And it was successful in that endeavor on October...
THE STORY WE HAVE HERE IS truly stranger than fiction. You can’t make this stuff up; I couldn’t if I tried. What is presented in this book is the truth as I see it, after carefully analyzing countless texts, articles, documents, interviews, and speeches. This combing through documents to verify their authenticity is a process that today, it seems, has fallen by the wayside. A process that has shifted from the ones who should be doing it, the news media, […]...
power of water
Viktor Schauberger – his father was master woodsman in Holzschlag at Lake Plockenstein, and Viktor absorbed accumulated wisdom of generations of forest wardens. His mother also taught him to tune in to nature—to listen to its singing in a mountain stream as well as its whispering through the treetops, and to learn its cycles and rhythms. Viktor Schauberger, was known...
Currency symbols
David Astle is a researcher who has assembled a massive database and well-argued case for the existence, in ancient times, of an international bullion brokers’ trust. It allied behind the scenes for its own benefit and agenda, with manipulating governments, religions, pantheons and policies. Mr  Astle commenced a sea career at sixteen years of age. During the following years he...
first world war
The first World war and its secret origins is a book written by Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor. What this book “HIDDEN HISTORY” sets out to prove is that unscrupulous men, whose roots and origins were in Britain, sought a war to crush Germany and orchestrated events in order to bring this about. 1914 is generally considered as the starting point for the disaster that followed, but the crucial decisions that led to war had been taken many years before. A […]...
Maier files books