Viktor Schauberger
Throughout recorded history humanity has been periodically uplifted by the contributions of a few gifted and enlightened individuals, whose teachings and philosophy have gradually raised the level of human awareness. Lesser mortals have also played a vital role in this process and the seeding of human consciousness with higher truths always seems to come at a time when humankind as a...
If you have been the proverbial fly on the wall in Descartes’s bed-room in La Flèche, in southern France, in 1636, you may have watched Descartes laying in bed observing you. His most remarkable idea came to him while observing a fly crawl along a curved path, which he thought about illustrating in terms of its distance from the walls. A...
quantum mechanics
According to the great Richard Feynman, no one really understands quantum theory. It presents us with a truly bizarre picture of Reality, a picture that, for a long time, we have only succeeded in making intelligible by supposing that the existence and character of reality depends on our own minds. This view is known as the Copenhagen Interpretation (named after the work of the Danish physicist Niels Bohr and his colleagues), and it mightily offended Einstein, whose realism could not […]...
The problem of consciousness, alternatively put, is the problem of finding out how mental phenomena, such as thoughts and feelings, are related to physical occurrences in brains. This way of stating the problem assumes that some such relation exists, an assumption not always made in the history of philosophy. Since Descartes the debate has become more sophisticated, and in our own...
Otto Maier vanished during WW2 but he was not the only scientist who disappeared. Dr. Hans Ehrhardt, former name Hans Engelke, went up in smoke in 1963 as published in Der Spiegel on july 24 1963. The article states: a German conman, at best an “amateur scientist”, had unsuccessfully attempted to fleece the Swiss military by pitching a death ray of...
The uncertainty principle is among the the most famous (and also probably most misunderstood) concepts in physics. It demonstrates that there is a fuzziness in nature, an elementary limit to the things we could know about the behaviors of quantum particles and, consequently, the tiniest scales of nature. Of these scales, the most we can hope for is to compute or calculate probabilities for where things are and just how they are going to behave. As opposed to Isaac Newton’s […]...
Otto Maier
The break between the scientific comprehension of time as well as our general knowledge of time has bothered thinkers all through history. It has deepened since physicists have slowly stripped time of most of the characteristics we usually ascribe to it. Now the rift between the time of physics and the time of experience is approaching its logical conclusion, for many...
Let us take as an hypothesis, as Callum Coats in his book about Viktor Schauberger proposes, that the Ur-original source of energy is a radiant emanation from the Cause of Causes, from “God”, or better still, from the Eternally Creative Intelligence (ECI) to avoid any gender implications. As in the Eleusinian mysteries schools it’s called the Goddess. Of necessity an entity...
brain scans
Some Tidbits, a backstory on Otto Maier’s vague experiments in the Harz, the electromagnetic Fields and the research of Dr. Michael Persinger –  Dr. Michael Persinger, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Ontario, Canada’s Laurentian University, and a well-respected scientist. His work with electromagnetic fields and their influences on the human brain includes the use of temporal lobe stimulation to invoke the sensation of being watched, seeing “paranormal” shadow entities, experiencing perceptual anomalies, even causing nightmares. But it […]...
power of water
Viktor Schauberger – his father was master woodsman in Holzschlag at Lake Plockenstein, and Viktor absorbed accumulated wisdom of generations of forest wardens. His mother also taught him to tune in to nature—to listen to its singing in a mountain stream as well as its whispering through the treetops, and to learn its cycles and rhythms. Viktor Schauberger, was known in...
Maier files books

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