surfacing U-boat Scotland WW2
  U-boat missions in Scotland. The Maier files story mentions a special U-boat mission into Scotland (Maier files Unternehmen Kelch). Could there be any trace found about such secret mission, and were there any German submarines spotted around early December or late November 1939 at Carradale Bay, Firth of Clyde or the isle of Arran? The Firth of Clyde forms a large area of coastal water sheltered from the Atlantic Ocean by the Kintyre Peninsula, which encloses the...
Question mark
Mystery stories leave a flat aftertaste, because before the solution, anyone might have done it; after, it turns out to have been only a certain someone. But the infinite and the unknown endlessly call each other up, letting imagination loose. We love to live on frontiers that enclose a well mannered, finite world but look out toward the at any time unexpected. Is this mere romantic excitement or the dabbling curiosity of our species carried...
In the enigmatic world of codes and their deciphering, an intriguing link emerges with the name “Dietrich.” In German, “Dietrich” means a skeleton key, a tool designed to unlock hidden mysteries. This connection resonates with the Maier Files series, where Rolf Dietrich is referred to as “the key.” But the key to what? This question becomes the gateway to a profound exploration of coding, decoding, and the interpretation of codes. Inspired by the symbolic power...
Within the historical tapestry of World War II, the shadowy Division Parzival, guided by the mysterious Gudrun, captivates with its enigmatic origins and spiritual undertones. Julius Evola’s essay, intertwined with the profound chivalric traditions, sheds light on the esoteric aspects of the Grail and the symbolic representation of the woman as “intelligence.” Division Parzival and Gudrun Steeped in mystery, Division Parzival emerges as a military unit with a unique purpose, shaped by the enigmatic demands...
In the realm of myth and music, the story of Tristan und Isolde holds a profound place, delving into the mystique of love and death. This article explores the deeper, perhaps occult, significance of the Tristan und Isolde myth, using insights from Denis de Rougemont’s “L’amour et l’Occident” and Robert A. Johnson’s “Die Traumvorstellung Liebe – Der Irrtum des Abendlandes.” By examining Richard Wagner’s music drama, we unravel the layers of Tristan’s quest for his...
Kiss Klimt
The writer Aventinus stated that the Minne and the Minnesingers did not have anything to do with love and constant courting. That’s not entirely true. There are many enigmas and paradoxes concerning the Troubadour movement and their theme “LOVE” in the middle ages. They propagated the quest for selfhood, the birth of the individual. And the individual’s love is discriminative, personal and specific. You will have heard the old legend of how, when God created...
Konigsberg Castle
Did you know that witches consider amber as the best gemstone for locking thoughts and memories in place and keeping them safe? Known for its soothing properties Amber was used medicinally for thousands of years for headaches, heartaches, and pains of all kinds. (another hint in the Maier-files puzzle). One of the important threads in the Maier files series is the history and hidden secret of the Amber Room or in German Bernsteinzimmer. The Amber Room...
The rose, with its exquisite beauty and rich symbolism, holds a special place in the Western Mysteries, intertwining with spiritual, mythical, and historical narratives. Let’s the multifaceted spiritual symbolism of roses, delving into their significance in various cultures and their connection to the Grail. The Mystical Rose The Rose, often compared to the Grail, serves as a symbol of the receptive vessel of the soul, ready to receive divine influence. Its intricate beauty, velvety petals,...
Maier files books