Eternal Chalice
The story of the Holy Grail is a rich and complex narrative set in the context of Arthurian tradition and the medieval world of knighthood and chivalry. These romances reflected the lifestyle and aspirations of an elite, the men and women who dominated the feudal world. The narratives produced during this relatively brief period have a universal appeal, and subsequent readers have interpreted them in different ways. Whatever conclusions, they...
Within the historical tapestry of World War II, the shadowy Division Parzival, guided by the mysterious Gudrun, captivates with its enigmatic origins and spiritual undertones. Julius Evola’s essay, intertwined with the profound chivalric traditions, sheds light on the esoteric aspects of the Grail and the symbolic representation of the woman as “intelligence.” Division Parzival and Gudrun Steeped in mystery, Division Parzival emerges as a military unit with a unique purpose,...
Thule - Hyperborea map
In traditional teaching the location of the center or primordial seat of the Olympian civilization of the Golden Age is to be found in a Boreal or Nordic region that became uninhabitable, Hyperborea. This tradition of Hyperborean origins, in its original Olympian form or in its new emergences of a heroic type, is at the basis of founding or civilizing deeds performed by races that spread into the Eurasian continent during the period from the end of the glacial age […]...
Medea witch potion
For those who are into the multi-level and the different themes of the Maier Files already noted that one of the themes associates with the Grail Quest, the hidden knowledge and the search for this power. The quest of the Golden Fleece and the Argonauts has always been in connection with the quest of the Holy Grail. And yes, also this tale has plenty layers or levels. In Greek mythology,...
Occult knowledge and ancient wisdom. What was Parsifal seeking in Wolfram Eschenbach’s poem that was referred to as “the Grail”? A stone ? The Lapsis exillis? It is also said that a pagan astrologer read the mystery of the Grail in the stars: ” Flegetanis, the heathen saw with his own eyes in the constellations things He was shy to talk about, Hidden mysteries that trembling revealed it: He said...
Oberon and Titania
In the ancient french poem of Oberon, “Huon de Bordeaux,” which has strong similarities not only to Wolfram’s epic but also to the German legends of Ornit and Wolfdietrich, Esclarmonde is the wife of King Huon de Bordeaux. Supported by Oberon, the King of the Faeries, in his struggle with his rebellious brother, Huon promises that after three years he will visit Oberon at his castle in Monmur. When the three years have passed, Huon and Esclarmonde set off in […]...
King Arthur's sword
Trying to understand one of the many hidden histories and layers within Maier files is trying to understand the Grail quest and its influence on many even nowadays. The Arthurian legends are an obvious start. The fabulous stories of King Arthur and the Grail are currently so well known that they extensively researched and remarked upon by many different authors and researchers. However numerous individuals are absolutely ignorant, as we...
The Grail secret and Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Secret of the Holy Grail. The most significant of all the Grail romances is “Parzival”. The Bavarian knight, Wolfram von Eschenbach composed this master piece between 1195 and 1216. In his version, the Grail is uniquely a stone. And referencing a stone or rock is the key to finding illuminating Biblical passages. Especially of a “rejected stone.” Von Eschenbach claims he based his...
Mythical Ireland
For those of you who are reading the Maier files series probably already recognized the Hyperborean thread or layer and the Grail’s link with Ireland and Scotland throughout the story. Now, the legendary history of Ireland draws on the events of races that later on invaded it and also dominated it, originating from a puzzling Northern-Atlantic center, to which they occasionally returned. The Historia Britorum frequently gives to this center the name Hiberia, however in reality this kind of a term is […]...
Birgid cross
  To fully grasp a Deity, you need to make an effort to understand the heritage and characteristics of the very first people to worship that Deity. Brigid the Celtic goddess Brigid originated in the pantheon of the Celtic people—the inhabitants of Ireland and the British Isles. Similar to Brigid, the history of these folks is mysterious and multifaceted. You can somewhat decipher what’s going on, but a large amount...
Keep this story in mind too, as the Maier Files huge storyline will continue. Surprising links exist with historical battles and quests. As said before, there’s always more than meets the eye. The tale of Taliésin is written down in the french book “Bélisama ou l’Occultisme celtique” by Ernest Bosc (1895). Belisama or Belisana is a supreme Celtic Goddess, and the virgin mother, more on that in another post. The...
Gral Relic
The mysterious relic —which could be at one and the same time a chalice, a book, a stone, or a person— was seen as existing both on the earth and at a remove from it. In the poem The Later Titurel, it hovers above the world, untouched by human hands and supported by angels. In the Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes and the Parzival of Wolfram von Eschenbach, it is kept in a secret chamber within a great castle. In […]...
Maier files books