inflated tank
The British enjoy deceiving their enemies. When the Prussian strategist Carl von Clausewitz defined war in 1833 as ‘those acts of force to compel our enemy to do our will’, he missed out the dimension that the British political philosopher Thomas Hobbes had spotted nearly two centuries earlier: ‘Force and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues.’ ‘The British like to pretend,’ observes a former US Ambassador, Raymond Seitz....
Herbert Osborn Yardley (April 13, 1889 – August 7, 1958) was an American cryptologist. He founded and led the cryptographic organization the Black Chamber. Under Yardley, the cryptanalysts of The American Black Chamber broke Japanese diplomatic codes and were able to furnish American negotiators with significant information during the Washington Naval Conference of 1921-1922. Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal. He wrote The American Black Chamber (1931) about his experiences...
Joan Miller died in June 1984.  Despite efforts by MI5 Miller’s daughter managed to get her mother’s autobiography, One Girl’s War: Personal Exploits in MI5’s Most Secret Station, published in Ireland in 1986. Joan Miller was born in 1918. After leaving boarding school at 16 she found work in a tea-shop in Andover. This was followed by the post of an office girl at Elizabeth Arden. Later she was promoted...
“Merkel entmachtet BND: USA kontrollieren Spionage in Deutschland” (article – JUNE 2016) “Merkel Ousts BND: US to Control German Espionage,” a new law will soon be passed in the German parliament and be approved by Chancellor Angela Merkel, which will make Germany’s version of the CIA, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), nothing more than a branch of the CIA, to such an extreme degree, that even U.S. corporate espionage against German companies...
‘The Friends n. General slang for members of an intelligence service; specifically British slang for members of the Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6.’  ‘If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friends, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country. Such a choice may scandalise the modern reader, and he may stretch out his patriotic hand to the telephone at once and ring...
Otto Maier vanished during WW2 but he was not the only scientist who disappeared. Dr. Hans Ehrhardt, former name Hans Engelke, went up in smoke in 1963 as published in Der Spiegel on july 24 1963. The article states: a German conman, at best an “amateur scientist”, had unsuccessfully attempted to fleece the Swiss military by pitching a death ray of his very own design. Via the Swiss government’s collaboration...
Aleister Crowley is, few would argue, the father of modern occultism, neopaganism, and New Age spirituality. Today’s Thelemites (avowed followers of Crowley and his spiritual doctrine of Thelema) far outnumber the small cadre he recruited in his lifetime. His motto “Do What Thou Wilt” has had a subtle and profound influence on modern culture. While some still fear and loathe him, Aleister Crowley inspires fascination, even admiration, in others. Crowley’s...
Crowley in China
Part 1 – Aleister Crowley, agent 666 and Lord Tregedar One of those practitioners of the magical and occult arts was Aleister Crowley. Crowley is perhaps the best known ‘occult spy’ operating in the Second World War. And in fact he was already a spy long before the war. It is not surprising that through history occultism and espionage always have been linked. Undercover operations always need a veil of...
The true story of Dusko Popov. He knew he’d have to kill him. It was late July 1943. In a luxury villa salon on Portugal’s Riviera, British double agent Dusko Popov waited for his German controller, Major Ludovico von Karsthoff. By now his Abwehr minder had more than enough evidence to believe Dusko was doubling for the Allies. British Colonel Tar Robertson had warned him not to return. How would...
Bormann Martin
He plays a small role in the story about the disappearance of Otto Maier and Maier files, Martin Bormann. In May 1941 Martin Bormann was made Party Chancellor of the National Socialist Party, a position he utilized to become the Third Reich’s principal bureaucrat. He was also Hitler’s right-hand man, his personal secretary and his bookkeeper, and stood with the Führer until the end. The last incontestable sighting of Bormann...
Masonic conspiracy
Mr. Lipinski wrote a controversial book, “The Horus Lodge,” (Die Horus Loge) or rather the statements of his grandfather are very controversial in this book. These statements contain an eerie echo to Rolf Naumann’s narrative that formed the basis for the Maier files series. Mr. Lipinski’s grandfather, Herbert Lipinski, a German-Polish translator for Willy Brandt, Erich Honecker, German industrialist Berthold Beitz, and above all – and that’s the most exciting...
V2 Rocket
T-Force … In the spring of 1945 as the Allied army advanced into Germany there was one objective paramount for the vast majority of its troops – the prompt defeat of the Germans on the battlefield and the swift restoration of peace. However, there was one unit in and around the frontlines whose aim was very different. Unlike their frontline colleagues, these men were actively discouraged from engaging with the...
Maier files books

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